Reviews and Testimonials
“How can I even begin to thank you for the amazing presentation! People were buzzing about it all day! You inspired conversation throughout the rest of the conference! Your energy, expertise and enthusiasm were so obvious and the information and encouragement that you shared will undoubtedly improve speeches, interactions, and meetings at countless public agencies across the U.S. and Canada as a result...please know how much we appreciate you sharing it with us. Your contribution to COGEL will have lasting effects on all those who were there. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“We have had a lot of authors come but yours was the best presentation we’ve ever had. [ after presentation to 300 8th graders, Nov 23,2015]
““After your presentation to children in third, fourth and fifth grades, we had one child [I would describe as a ‘reluctant writer’] who asked his teacher, “Could we do some writing when we get back to the classroom?”… not , “When is recess?”, or “Can we have our snack now?”. You really struck a chord with so many. The teachers were thrilled to hear you say things they constantly say to children to encourage them to write. Your manner of presentation was captivating, convincing and encouraging… for children and adults”
“This is the first time I’ve ever seen Norah Dooley. It was a great pleasure to be in the presence of such an assured and experienced artist, and also someone so creative, warm and deft in her interpersonal skills. She began with a short introduction of herself and her interest in storytelling, to her own children, and in the neighborliness of her own Central Square neighborhood, with people out on porches, etc. as in “Everyone Cooks Rice.”
“The school is still full of your wonderful storytelling. Your work and this is no “flarching” as my English Grandmother would say, is stellar. You are without doubt the best storyteller that I have ever heard and I’ve heard a lot. Thank you so much for coming to Gordon. We very much hope that you will come back soon. I was in Kindergarten yesterday and reading a description of noodle making and eating along with a thank you to Norah Dooley for sparking the whole thing. Fifth grade have your book draft as a writing model and they are engaged in their own endeavors.”
“Wow! I am just starting to come down from the Spoken Word high! We had our finale on Friday (which was fabulous) and the teachers shared some stories - we learned so much from you and it was so evident at the finale! We just cannot thank you enough! ”
“I am writing because I want to thank you for your inspiration and encouragement. Each time I tell a story, I think of you fondly, and I wanted to thank you for showing me the magic that is created when a story is told from the heart instead of just read from the page. It has become a useful tool in my teaching repertoire, and one my children heartily enjoy.”
“ Norah’s presentation to the Mass Bay District UU ministers and religious educators today was somewhere beyond superlative. I’ve been preaching, teaching,(and preaching & teaching) the value of stories, for 35 years now. And in that entire time I’ve never encountered someone who could do what you did: both demonstrate and teach memorable story-telling technique simultaneously. Brava!”
Norah Dooley puts all of her heart and soul into her craft, whether it be storytelling, writing, writing in collaboration with students, teaching or directing. She uses her charisma to excite her audience/students and draw them into her circle of warmth. This often allows kids to take new risks with their emerging abilities. She has great follow through- once committed to a project, she gives it everything, and always keeps her eye on making it a quality experience for her collaborators.”